Keys to keeping your New Year's resolutions

24 December 2023
Fitness equipment on a dark floor: Sneakers, towel, water bottle, hand weights

“This year things are going to be different.”

Have you said this to yourself year after year? If so, we’ve got some realistic tips that’ll help you keep your New Year’s resolution to be healthier, whether you're new to fitness or a seasoned pro.

If you're getting back into fitness after a period of inactivity, consider the following:

  • Set Clear Goals: Establish specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic goals pertaining to nutrition and physical activity.
  • Bring a Friend: Having a workout buddy will not only hold you accountable to your fitness routine but transforms your workout into a social experience. Conquer goals, share progress and save some cash! Our referral program means that you can save 20% on your membership fee for as long as you’re both members. How’s that for motivation?  
  • Embrace Holistic Health: Adopt a comprehensive approach to your health goals, taking into account your mind, body and spirit. True wellness involves focusing on all aspects of your being.
  • Consult a Medical Professional: If you have any health concerns or questions about starting a fitness regimen, consult with your doctor and work together to establish goals that will improve your overall well-being, including nutrition and physical activity.
  • Sign up for Personal Training: A certified personal trainer can tailor a workout plan to your specific goals and interests. They will help you see the results of your investment in yourself.
  • Stay Active: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, that’s 30 minutes a day, five days a week. 

If you're already active but want to take your workout to the next level, consider these strategies:

  • Change up Your Routine: If you are no longer seeing results with your current fitness program, change it! Your body adapts to the same routine, necessitating the addition or alteration of exercises. Incorporate variations in intensity levels, weight training or cardio choices. Try attending a group exercise class you've never been to before. Cycling, Zumba® and Bootcamp are just a few popular group fitness classes.
  • Hydrate: Water plays a crucial role in delivering oxygen to your muscles and enhancing your body's performance. It also boosts your metabolic rate, increases energy levels, and aids in weight loss by facilitating the breakdown of stored fat.
  • Hire a Personal Trainer: Engaging a certified personal trainer can provide you with valuable fitness insights that will elevate your workout routine. This one-on-one attention may be just the step needed to pump up your routine.
  • Check out REGYMEN: These high-intensity workouts offer an interval training style workout where time flies and calories burn! Instructors provide the mental encouragement, inspiration and social interaction proven to help individuals reach their health and fitness goals faster than going at it alone.
  • Core Training: Core training is the essential component to every fitness routine. This doesn’t mean just adding crunches! The core involves more muscle engagement. A strong core means your “base point” is strong and can support the other parts of your body effectively during workouts. It is the basis for all functional workouts. A strong core can support correct alignment and stability of the spine as well as generate power efficiently. Balance training is a great core discipline.

The Y is your biggest cheerleader on your wellness journey! We truly care about your well-being, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Your success story matters to us, and we can't wait to celebrate your achievements together. Check out this inspiring story, and let it motivate you on your path to a healthier and happier you. Remember, at the Y, you're not alone—we're here to cheer you on!

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