Message from the CEO on recent Walmart tragedy in Chesapeake

From Anthony Walters, President & CEO for the YMCA of South Hampton Roads:
This is horrific.
I am heartbroken and saddened by the heinous acts of gun violence our world continues to experience. Tragic events like what happened last night in our hometown are always devastating, and there are never words to console, only prayers that our children will do better for each other than we are today. To every person hurting today, I pray for you, I pray for us.
The Battlefield Walmart location is our neighbor, and we, the Y, will be here for them to help in any way possible. We will extend our Y, our team, and our services to uplift and embrace our Chesapeake, Hampton Roads, and Walmart community.
This affects all of us. On behalf of our board and our staff, we are on bended knee.
Anthony Walters
President & CEO
YMCA of South Hampton Roads