Inspiring Others
“Life is good.” That’s what Ron will tell you if you ask. But there was a time when he couldn’t say that. In 1998, Ron suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him unable to walk or talk for four years. The fact that he even survived the initial injury is amazing in itself, as he was not expected to make it through that night that changed his life forever. But it has been through years of therapy and support from his wife, Susan, that Ron has arrived in a good place where he can say, “Life is good.
Part of Ron’s therapy has included daily exercise at the Y. Ron faithfully drives himself to the Y every morning for a cardio workout on the elliptical, followed by lifting weights and swimming laps. And his mornings at the Y wouldn’t be complete without ending them with a cup of coffee in the lobby with friends.
Ron is a survivor, both physically and spiritually, and shares his story with anyone who can benefit from hearing it. He hopes to inspire others to never give up, and volunteers his time with the Wounded Warriors. For a man who at one time could not speak or walk, his words and actions now inspire others.
Since we first met Ron in July, he competed in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games in Philadephia, bringing home four gold medals! He won the gold in cycling, swimming, slalom (obstacle course) and track and field. Learn more about this inspiring annual event here.