A family affair for the Colemans

The Coleman family has learned first-hand that the Y is so much more. Myriam decided to join the Y in 2012 and found friendships and camaraderie through group exercise classes. After seeing his wife repeatedly come home energized and excited about fitness, John thought he would give exercise a try as well. Now, going to the Y is a family affair. Daughter Ayanna has not only learned to swim at the Y, but she plays every youth sport that is offered throughout the year. John also coaches every sport his daughter plays, sometimes serving as coach to more than one team in the same season. He has been so generous in giving of his time that he received the YMCA Service-to-Youth Award this past year.
In the two years that the Coleman family has been coming to the Y, Ayanna has come to be known as “boss” in the Interactive Zone. She knows everyone there and can show anyone how to use the interactive equipment. Myriam continues to keep up with Tabata, KettleWorX, Zumba and Cycle classes. And John works out on the cardio equipment, lifts weights and gets so much exercise running up and down the sports field and basketball court while coaching, that he has lost 125 pounds!
Whether they go to the Y to exercise, play sports, or just to enjoy an afternoon at the pool, they leave feeling energized and restored.