Elevate Early Education (E3) is coming to the Y on Granby
The Y has formed a partnership with non-profit organization Elevate Early Education (E3), formerly Smart Beginnings, who will construct a center adjacent to The Y on Granby for preschoolers. E3 will oversee center operations and the Y will assist with property maintenance. This partnership more effectively uses the community’s resources, enabling the Y and E3 to serve more families and children. Click here to view the Faithful Beginnings Readiness Guide.
- E3 is a statewide advocacy movement dedicated to raising awareness and securing greater public investment for early education. E3’s operations are privately funded.
- There is one common denominator among states highly successful in securing greater public investment: an independent early education advocacy group. A unified and influential voice from the private sector can move early education policy and funding in a positive direction to amplify the work organizations are doing for Virginia’s children.
- We are advocating to think differently about doing business for children at a critical time in their development. That’s why we are working to bring Virginia’s business and civic leaders together to advocate for greater public investment.
-From the E3 site
The Y is excited about this partnership and the center's scheduled opening in January 2015. Look for more on The Y on Granby Facebook page for upcoming news and details, including a community event being hosted at the Y on Granby on September 27 to celebrate the opening of the facility. *E3 has a Facebook page as well, where you can follow along with the progress.