What the Y Means to this Mother-Daughter Duo
Mom, Kesha, tells us in her own words why she and her daughter, Keziya, love spending time at the Y.
"If you asked my daughter, Keziya, what the Y means to her, she would say that it’s one of the best places ever. She would also say that she enjoys the Y because of the fun activities, being able to be see her friends and playing outside at the playground. You know what? She’s right—but there’s more.
The Y is a safe place where I know my daughter is well cared for while I’m at work during the Before- and After-School Care program. The hours work perfectly for my schedule, and I know her homework is completed and a snack is provided, which helps me during our evening wind-down time. I even look forward to when I get those few hours to myself while she is having a blast at Parents Night Out and the moments we share together during Family Night where we are either watching a movie, playing a game or just being creative.
The Y also has so much to offer to keep us healthy and fit. They offer a variety of group exercise classes, swimming lessons (where my daughter learned to swim like a fish) and strength training equipment.
I can truly say the Y is a special place for the both of us where the friendly staff and members make it a place where we feel like family. The Y is our home away from home."
*UPDATE: We did a video on Kesha and her daughter! See below: