Y Heroes: Faith Higgins, Hilltop Family YMCA

Faith was told about the LiveSTRONG® at the YMCA program on the same day she was diagnosed with cancer. Before she even had her official cancer diagnosis, she was signed up for the inaugural LiveSTRONG® class at the Hilltop YMCA. Through the 12-week exercise program, Faith has not only become stronger and healthier, but has found a group of fellow cancer survivors who can understand what she's going through like no one else can. She's on her way to finding out what her new normal after diagnosis will be; she will not be doing it alone because of LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA.
As a part of our 2017 Annual Giving Campaign, we are showcasing a different person (or family) at each of our family centers. We are calling this our Y Heroes project. This video platform is a way for us to highlight people and/or program areas that have been positively impacted by the dollars we raise as a non-profit organization and relate back to each community our Association serves.
When you give to the Y, you continue to strengthen our community and move us all forward. As the nation’s leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y uses your gift to make a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own neighborhood. Your gift ensures that the Y’s programs and services will be open to all. Consider making a gift today. www.ymcashr.org/GIVE
For more information about how you can help, contact Annie Vogt at (757) 962-5519.