Y Heroes: Kesha McDuffie, Effingham Street Family YMCA

"The Y is a safe place where I know my daughter is well cared for while I’m at work during the Before- and After-School Care program. The hours work perfectly for my schedule, and I know her homework is completed and a snack is provided, which helps me during our evening wind-down time. I even look forward to when I get those few hours to myself while she is having a blast at Parents Night Out and the moments we share together during Family Night where we are either watching a movie, playing a game or just being creative.
The Y also has so much to offer to keep us healthy and fit. They offer a variety of group exercise classes, swimming lessons (where my daughter learned to swim like a fish) and strength training equipment.
I can truly say the Y is a special place for the both of us where the friendly staff and members make it a place where we feel like family. The Y is our home away from home."
As a part of our 2017 Annual Giving Campaign, we are showcasing a different person (or family) at each of our family centers. We are calling this our Y Heroes project. This video platform is a way for us to highlight people and/or program areas that have been positively impacted by the dollars we raise as a non-profit organization and relate back to each community our Association serves.
When you give to the Y, you continue to strengthen our community and move us all forward. As the nation’s leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y uses your gift to make a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own neighborhood. Your gift ensures that the Y’s programs and services will be open to all. Consider making a gift today. www.ymcashr.org/GIVE