Annual Report 2019

YMCA Annual Report 2019
changemaker (n) – one who desires change in the world and, by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen
From the Board Chair and CEO
As we reflect on 2019, one major theme comes to mind—Changemakers! Every day, our community partners, members, volunteers, and staff work together to deliver the promise of strengthening community by connecting all people to their potential, purpose and each other. Together in 2019, these changemakers delivered this promise to nearly 250,000 people through programs that focused on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
Nurture Potential
Wrapping up the final year of our 2020 Strategic Vision, we continued our work in 2019, building confident kids and future leaders through programs like camp, swim lessons, after-school programs and programs that help prevent summer learning loss.
Improve Health
With the help of community partners and dedicated stewards of the Y's mission, 2019 was a year of monumental impact in the areas of healthy living—continuing the work of improving the health of our community and the nation.
Give Back
Giving back and providing support to our neighbors was a common theme again in 2019, across all communities that the Y serves. With friends of the Y lending their hearts and resources, we all helped to continue the legacy of the past 160 years of the Y listening and responding to the needs of our neighbors. We all came together as #YChangeMakers!